Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Power of Love

The power of love brought a babe to the manger
Bestowed God in flesh to dwell among men
Here on this earth a pilgrim and stranger
Knowing the price of love’s greatest plan

(Cho.) The power of love held a King to a cross
The power of love is the gain in our loss
Who can explain such a gift from above?
And who can deny the power of love?

The power of love forgives vilest sinners
Washes the deepest sin stains clean
Transforming losers to heavenly winners
Never remembering where once we had been

The power of love gives hope to the fallen
Strength to the weary and peace in our soul
It is our song in the dark of the morning
The power of love makes the broken heart whole

All Right Reserved
Janet Martin

How great is the love
the Father has lavished on us
that we should be called
the children of God. 1 John 3:1

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