Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Color of My Love

I wandered today through my life’s muted gardens
Where the fruit of my choices hang ripe on the vine
Watered by tears of my sorrowful reckoning
Yet, held by Love’s tender hand divine
What rights have I to such holy pardon?
How can such wonderful mercy be mine?
Does He not see my pitiful garden?
Or ponder the plight of this hopeless design?

I am too void of such comprehension
As I view a wilderness of foolish choice
As I stumble through this tangled deception
Soft on the breeze, I hear His voice
See how the roses weep crimson tear-drops
This is the color of my love
See how the sun sets in a crimson wash
Reflection, my child of My love from above

Red is the color of My mercy
Red is the color of My love
Red, as red as the tender roses
Red is the color of Calvary’s flood
Sorrow, the colors of your own choosing
Red, the color of hope from above
Sorrow, the color of your muted gardens
Red is the color of MY love

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Then the man and his wife heard the sound
of the Lord God walking in the garden in
the cool of the day, and they hid from the
Lord God among the trees of the garden. Gen.3:8

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