Monday, October 5, 2009

Oh, what Love

O, what depth of love and mercy,
Flowing from the throne of grace,
Tears of sweet, eternal cleansing
Streaming from the Savior’s face,
From Gethsemane’s dark garden
To a cold and lonely hill,
There, in blood He signed my pardon,
Obedient to His Father’s will.

Hear the echoes of His anguish
As He pays the awful price,
Yet His spirit did not languish
In this final sacrifice,
“It is finished! It is finished!”
There upon a cruel tree
A perfect lamb, a King, a Savior
Gave His life for you and me!

O, what depth of sin and darkness,
O, the awful weight of guilt,
Yet for this He left His glory
And for this His blood was spilt!
Blood to free the hopeless captive,
To wash the vilest sinner clean,
To give us garments, pure and spotless,
Where once the deepest stains had been!

O, what depth of love and mercy!
Can we ever comprehend?
A Father’s infinite compassion
His one and only Son to send,
Love and grace, beyond all measure,
Oh, dear Lord, how can it be?
That we would make this world a treasure
Above Your love, so full and free!

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He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities,
the punishment that brought us peace
was upon Him, and by His wounds
we are healed.
We all like sheep have gone astray,
each of us has turned to His own way,
and the Lord has laid on Him
the iniquity of us all. Isa.53:5-6

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