Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Forgotten Child

Won’t you be a sweetie now?
Run quickly up to bed
I need to do some laundry
Tidy up her mother said
Tomorrow night perhaps there’ll be
Time to read a story
But there is too much work tonight
Before another morning

So up the long and wooden hill
The little angel climbs
Wishing mom would tuck her in
But there just isn’t time
Mother needs to do her chores
Before she leaves at dawn
So sweetie prays her evening prayer
Dear Jesus, bless my mom

And bless my baby-sitter please
She really is quite nice
She takes me to the playground
And she reads me stories- twice
But I sure miss my mommy
And she misses me I know
‘Cause that is what she tells me
When she says she loves me so

I have a bed-time story book
One minute tales and more
I’m not sure what the stories are
‘Cause I can’t read, I’m four
But next year when I go to school
My mom will be so proud
When I read her a story
And shell laugh to me out loud

Next year she’ll have more time I’m sure
When I’m a little taller
She won’t be quite so busy
As right now when I am smaller
Then I am sure that she will see
I really am quite good
Cause I’ll be so much bigger
And will do the things I should

Now I lay me down to sleep
Bless my mommy please
Little flannel angel weeps
Softly on her knees
I will be a sweetie now
Climb quickly into bed
I’d love to hug you mommy
But I’ll hug my bear instead

Janet Martin All Rights Reserved


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