Friday, July 30, 2010

Sitting on my Front Porch

Sitting on my front-porch with loved ones at my knee
Drinking in the music of the twilight’s melody
Tiny sip of glory is this evening paradise
Sitting on my front-porch as my Maker paints the skies

Somewhere in the valley I can hear the cattle low
The pasture-land lies golden-bronze beneath the sunset’s glow
Faintly I can hear the church-bells chiming down the street
Beyond the noisy traffic and the muffled busy feet

Sitting on my front-porch, this my humble palace grand
Apartheid to an orchestra led by Heaven’s hand
Hummingbird and firefly and busy honey-bee
And little children’s laughter joins in Heaven’s melody

Tiny splash of paradise has dropped from Heaven’s brush
Landing on my front-porch in this sacred evening hush
Lemon tea or lemonade either one is fine
Sitting on my front-porch ‘neath the shadow of His vine

Sonny, grab your silver spoons so you can keep the beat
I’ll play my harmonica while sister taps her feet
Standing on His promises, praising Christ the Lord
Sitting on my front-porch I desire nothing more

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

I know...this is a re-run,
but I had one of these nights tonight:)
and I thought of this poem

Thank-you all I can say
again and again!

Today is Friday....

Today is Friday
An empty canvas
Stretched before me
His way……or my way?

What fair colors
Will His palette hold?
Is there purple
Red and gold?

Cobalt blue perhaps,
Or dusty rose?
Am I His brush?
Only God knows

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Janet Martin

The Love of Lesser Gods

Would you trade His love for shallow loves so fleeting?
And serve the hollow fame of lesser gods
Would you choose the gods of pride?
And refuse the One who died
Exchanging truth for shadows on this sod

Would you settle for the vague and empty treasure?
The best this world will ever have to bring
Will you turn your back on Love?
And a home in Heaven above
Preferring raging demons to a King

Will you trust this world; it’s selfish, foolish offerings
But refuse to trust the Hand who gives us life
He who rules the wind and waves
And the hopeless sinner saves
Would you trade it for a bed of bitter strife?

Without His love we are a broken vessel
No relief from this world’s shame and hurt
But if we tell Him “I believe”
And His one free gift receive
We are no longer worthless shells of dirt

Would you trade His love for shallow loves so fleeting?
Marching to a cunning piper’s tune
Ah, too late we’ll find
We’ve left Heaven far behind
And the love of lesser gods have led to ruin

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Janet Martin

Then Jesus said to His disciples,
"If anyone would come after me he must deny himself,
take up his cross and follow Me.
For whoever wants to save his life
shall lose it; but whoever shall lose
his life for my sake shall find it.
What good will it be for a man if he
gains the whole worlds yet forfeits his
own soul?
Or, what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
For the Son of Man is going to come
in His Father's glory
with His angels,
and then He will reward each person
according to what he has done. Matt.16:24-27

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

Who are the giants you are fighting today?
Is there a Goliath standing in your way?
Cling to the Spirit’s holy sword
The battle is not yours, it belongs to the Lord

Are you not precious in His Sight?
The Lord is He who gives power to fight
Do you wear His breastplate; are your feet shod
With the preparation of the gospel of God?

Is the helmet of salvation firmly in place?
Is your hope the realization you are saved by grace?
Does the shield of faith protect and guard?
Then take heart for the battle belongs to the Lord

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Janet Martin

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood
But against principalities, against powers,
Against the rulers of the darkness of this world
Against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Therefore put on the whole armor of God……Ephes.6:12-13

It's the Little Things...

It’s the little things in life
That brush the ordinary away
I thank You, God
For all my little things in life today
The sparkle in a baby’s smile
Or in bright eyes of blue
The folded laundry neatly piled
Without me asking you

I thank-you for the well intended
Geranium bouquet
They really do look very splendid
And they’ll grow back someday
The gardens wealth, my children’s health
Girls home safe from the mall
A little time to mow the lawn
I’m thankful for it all

The lemon in my water
The scent of fresh mown hay
The bright yellow sun-flower
The clouds, a soft blue-gray
The coral-tinted sunset
To steal my breath away
I could never call this
An ordinary day

The quiet moments late at night
When everyone’s asleep
The warm sheen of the full-moon light
The back-drop, dark and deep
The little tear within my eye
The little memory
Of time’s soft whispers passing by
Are little gifts to me

Someone asked me just tonight
Another ordinary day?
I’ll admit I didn’t quite
Know just what to say
As I recalled the little things
That brush ordinary away
How God in His great Goodness brings

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Janet Martin

The incredible gift of ordinary!!!!
Glory comes streaming from the table of daily life!

~Macrina Wiederkehr
(A Tree Full of Angels) 1988

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July's Gown

There’s no subtlety or reservation
In the fabrics that you use
The most vibrant of creation
Are the colors that you choose
In stunning quietness you reign
We turn our heads
To admire summers queen
In emeralds, sapphires, yellows, reds

There’s no sham or vanity
No pride or false pretense
You simply bloom where’er you be
In colors bold, intense
And humbly I’m reminded
God would ask of us the same
To bloom where we are planted
In the colors of His name

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Janet Martin

Only Guarantee....

In this little life we’re living
We have but one guarantee
Eternal life in Heaven
With He who sets men free
If we have bowed before Him
And whispered “I believe”
This too will be our fortune
Our only guarantee

In this little life we’re living
How great should be our sorrow
If carelessly we turn away
And we should die tomorrow
No hope, so comfort, no salvation
No heaven in eternity
Oh, how wretched our condition
Without His guarantee

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Janet Martin

Don’t you hate it?
The little ‘warranty’…the
‘lifetime’ guarantees on the products you buy
So you can get your money back
Should they fail to deliver…
…and then there’s those little ‘clauses’
Where the warranty cannot apply!!!!
And how about ‘insurance’ huh?!!!!

I’m so, so thankful God’s love and His Word

They Did Not Know....

They did not know
As they gazed at the baby
Lying in a manger
This would be the One
Who sets man free….
…this tiny little Stranger

They did not know
As they shouted in triumph
Praising His wonderful Name
As He rode through Jerusalem
That soon He would die
In agony and shame

They did not know
As they wept and stared
At Him, hanging on the cross
They did not know the other side
Of this….they saw only loss

They did not know
The victory
Of Life, wrought by His death
They only saw
His misery
In each agonizing breath

We do not know
The other side
Of our own tears and sorrow
We only see
The tears we’ve cried
We cannot see tomorrow

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Janet Martin

You make known to me
The path of life.
In your presence
There is fullness of joy.
At Your right hand
Are pleasures forevermore. Ps.16:11 ESV

Monday, July 26, 2010

Greatest Wonder

When I think about You, Jesus
Thankful teardrops start to fall
Of all the wonders You created
Still You love man best of all

We are in our very nature
Simply wretched sons of wrath
Not able to add to our stature
One mere molecule of worth

Yet for hateful, hopeless sinners
You left Your great throne on high
In obedience to Your Father
Hung upon a cross to die

When I think about You, Jesus
I can hardly take it in
With Your gift You can release us
From the wages of our sin

You created all the wonder
Hidden on the ocean floor
Rule the stars in heavens yonder
But You love a sinner more…..

You breathe upon a tender rose bud
Teach the sparrow how to fly
Paint the dawning and the twilight
And You left your throne to die

When I think about You, Jesus
Thankful teardrops start to fall
This must be the greatest wonder
That You love man best of all

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

God saw all that He had made
and it was very good. Gen.1:31

Cursed is the ground because of you..... Gen.3:17

Friday, July 23, 2010

In Waning Daylight......

In waning daylight
In sacred hush
I did not see
His silent brush
My thoughts on
Duties of the hour
Blind to the
Beauties of His power

Until I sensed
A coral haze….
And I beheld
With awestruck gaze
In twilight’s palm
A glorious crown
As the light
Of day dies down

Rampant beauty
Wordless wonder
As the Hand
Of wind and thunder
Paints across
The western sky
A master-piece
To draw the eye

The eye of doubter
And believer
Blessed alike
By Heaven’s Giver
Perfect love
For you and I
Brushed by God
Across the sky

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Janet Martin

The western sky-line is completely obliterated
From our view unless we walk out to the road!

I know…..this is the third Friday night sunset I’m posting!!!
…but they are grand!

Two weeks ago we had those pink cotton-candy clouds
(posted on my ‘anotherporch’ blog)….the sky that ended my
‘no writing for awhile’ decision…
Last week I took my camera with me on an evening trek..
Tonight we were in the back yard ‘chilling’
when I said to Matthew and Victoria
“Do you have a feeling we’re missing a good sunset?”….
The air had a pink sense before we could see it!!
It was ‘GOOD’ alright!!!

When I consider the heavens
the work of your fingers......
What is man that You are mindful of him? Ps.8:3-4

The Hand of God

I till, I plant, I weed, I hoe
I dream, I prune and prod
Yet in spite of all I do
The increase comes from God

With my hands I sweat and toil
To work this earthly sod
But any life within this soil
Rests in the hand of God

In spite of all our wisdom grand
And knowledge gleaned from sod
The increase lies in but one hand
The mighty hand of God

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Janet Martin

Yesterday I spent all afternoon in the garden….
Picking, hoeing, weeding, staking, …you know?
I remarked that I had NEVER seen the corn
Look as promising as it did this year.
We had a big wind and rain storm in the night….
This poem was my thoughts after the initial disappointment.
And so this life is…..
In spite of all our knowledge in any area of our lives
The increase lies in one Hand!

The Lord does whatever pleases Him,
In the heavens and on the earth;
He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth;
He sends lightning with the rain
And brings out the wind from His storehouses. Ps.135:6-7

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I Love You, Lord

I love You Lord,
You hear my voice
And listen to my cry
Though I am king
Of foolish choice
Your mercies never die
When I call
Upon your name
You deliver me
And wash away
The guilt and blame
Oh, how can it be?
You call me precious
In Your sight
Though I am vile and base
You draw me from
An endless night
By Your amazing grace
I love You Lord
O gracious King
Keeper of my days
I offer you
My thanksgiving
In humble songs of praise
So many blessings
Thrill me so
They mesmerize, enthrall
But as I count them
This I know
Lord, You surpass them all

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Janet Martin

Psalms 116

Last night as I went to the garden
To pick ‘supper’ my heart
Was filled with thankfulness and praise
For His Hand of goodness, His little miracles
Surrounding me every day
All I need to do is….open my eyes to see them!!!

Thank-you, God

I could fret and I could pine
For the things that are not mine
I know there’s a bright array
Of wishes I could wish today
But I will try to do my part
To have a truly thankful heart

God, You’ve been so good to me
Open up my eyes to see
Not the things I cannot grasp
But the gifts within my clasp
Before my eyes you have unfurled
All the wonders of the world

I could dream and I could sigh
But like clouds up in the sky
Wishes simply drift away
You bestow the gifts that stay
Wondrous mercy, perfect love
Streaming from Your throne above

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Janet Martin

O, praise the Lord, all ye nations;
praise Him all ye people.
For His merciful kindness is great toward us:
and the truth of the Lord endures forever.
Praise ye the Lord! Ps. 117

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

We Simply Keep On....

We’ve been down this road before
The silent night, the closing door
But oft hope rises with the dawn
So we keep on keeping on

The spacious rooms have become small
Interspersed with invisible walls
Yet love and forgiveness are not cold and gray
But soft color that melts the walls away

The battlefield is muddy and scarred
The flawless shield of New Year is marred
By the erring and stumbling of many a wrong
But by God’s grace we keep on keeping on

God gives strength one day at a time
He knows the length of each hill we must climb
He holds the key to a brighter dawn
As we simply keep on keeping on

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Janet Martin

The race is not to the swift
or the battle to the strong....Eccles. 9:11

Three Strands

It became final today
Words on paper to say
That two are no longer one
And the ties that bind are undone

The little children cry
Why must we say good-bye?
How cold life’s bitter wind
That severs the ties that bind

Two strands are better than one
For if we break, we fall alone
Yet better than two strands are three
God, then you and me

When howls the cruel gale
Two strands are doomed to fail
But God gives His word as a token
Three strands are not easily broken

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Janet Martin

A cord of three strands
Is not quickly broken. Eccles.4:12

Everlasting Friend

Saved in arms of everlasting grace
There is a light shining on my face
When the road is dark and I cannot see
Still His pure love shines down on me

Rivers of mercy satisfy my loss
Sustained by hope I found at the cross
As the power of the blood cascades endlessly
From the Son of God at Calvary

There is no need He cannot provide
No valley to deep with Him at my side
No fear too dark, no mountain too high
No battle so loud that He can’t hear my cry

No beginning or end to this wonderful love
Eternal Friend reigns supreme from above
I cry to Him now on my bended knee
Help me take up my cross and follow Thee

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Give thanks to Him who does
great wonders...
His love endures forever....Ps. 136:4

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I sought it in the painful mercy
Of an old sentimental tune
I thought I would surely find it
By the pale glow of the moon
In meadows where I used to run
I searched the other day
In the blue of your eyes, the gold of the sun
In clouds of pewter gray

I gazed into a newborn face
And caught the hope of it
In the sunset’s coral blaze
I glimpsed a tiny bit
I sought it in the silent night
But in the silky air
Though I would search with all my might
I knew it wasn’t there

I sought within dear, loving arms
Familiar hands I shook
I searched in memories sweet and warm
In old and faded books
In every place I wandered
I felt a strange attraction
But realized when pondered
They could bring no satisfaction

As I knelt at close of day
Discouraged and alone
It seemed I heard a calm Voice say
I am the only One
Who can fulfill the aching void
That sighs so deep within
For pure contentment is destroyed
Only when marred by sin

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Janet Martin

Monday, July 19, 2010


When I think of all the blessings that You shower on my way
I’m humbled in Your Presence Lord, and don’t know what to say
And I can hardly grasp the wonder, oh how can it be
That You would send a heavenly King to save a wretch like me

The beauty of Your universe unfolds before my gaze
And I, born under Satan’s curse am filled with thankful praise
The Keeper of the sun and moon; the dazzling starry sea
Sent His one and only Son to save a wretch like me

I bow my head in shame and sorrow; how can I forget
As I worry ‘bout tomorrow, as I pause to sigh or fret
If He can tame the winds and waves and set the sinner free
How wonderful must be the grace that saves a wretch like me

A grace that carries me beyond this weary endless toil
For when this mortal life is gone and rests beneath the soil
On wings of everlasting peace His love reserves for me
A home in heaven’s resting place for such a wretch as me

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

From everyone who has been given much,
much will be demanded
and the one who has been entrusted with much,
much more will be asked. Luke 12:48

Sunday, July 18, 2010

When I Pray For You.....

When I pray for you I pray the sun shines
Softly on your face
I pray the wind is always kind
And for a special grace
To fill you where life leaves you sad
If disappointments come
I pray when you are far away
That you will find your way back home

I pray the sky above is blue
With just a little gray
So you may come to know the truth
That God is never far away
And that He holds the paintbrush
For the deep shades and the light
I pray that you will walk with Him
In morning, noon or night

When I pray I feel you near
You’re just a breath away
And in that soft and silent tear
God sees it when I pray
I know that He can see you
Wherever you may roam
He is always near you
And will help you find your way back home

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Friday, July 16, 2010

I'm Glad I Know.....

On summer eve I gladly love to wander
Across the field where tender breezes blow
I hear the trees in hallowed softness whisper
I see the western sky in glory glow

I’m glad I know the Hand of this creation
I’m glad I know that He has saved my soul
I’m glad I know the fate of every nation
Rests in His Hand for he is in control

As daylight melts in coral-tinted glazing
And clouds like blue hills rest in heavens palm
I stand in awe to think His love amazing
Can paint the sky and fill me with His calm

I’m glad to know the Hand of the creator
I’m glad to know He never leaves my side
I’m glad to know this holy Mediator
Will never fail; He always will abide

As daylight fades across the fields of twilight
To rise anew in someone else’s dawn
As shadows deepen in the purple midnight
There is a truth I ever dwell upon

I’m glad I know the Hand of this Designer
I’m glad I know He’ll never let me go
I’m glad I know that there is nothing finer
Than the love that His Hand doth bestow

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Tonight I had a long trek down the highway…
It was very peaceful between all the traffic:)

…and now suddenly out of the blue it IS POURING!!!!

and always I come back to the song How Great Thou Art

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Heaven's Hands

In the corridors of summer
I have seen fair heavens Hand
Where the hummingbird is wafting,
And the green sea bathes the sand
Where the face of yellow daisy
Hums its evening lullaby
In a breeze so soft and lazy
Dropping kisses from the sky……
Where the seed of springtime’s hour
Yields a full and glorious birth
In the form of frond and flower
As it clothes fair summer’s girth
With a gardens verdant chorus
Neath a star-strewn canopy
Where summer reigns victorious
In her lush serenity

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Janet Martin

Tonight there is pure summer silence...
only the faintest breath of a breeze
stirring in the maple trees.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Amazing Grace

I love the beauty of the earth
Oh what I mighty God we serve
The rolling hills of misty blue
The midnight still, the morning dew
The child that dreams in hush of night
The hope that gleams in morning light
I love the scent of twilight’s hour
The subtle hint of dust and flower
The echo of a lonesome dove
Within a dark and distant grove
I love the sighing of the breeze
In the quivering willow trees
Dear God, I love the silver sea
Of a moonlit canopy
But oh my God I love You more
Your beauty shines from shore to shore
Yet none can ever take the place
Of Your boundless amazing grace

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Janet Martin

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see…..

Monday, July 12, 2010

Go Back

No one likes to go back
Yes I know it’s true
But sometimes when the road is rough
There’s nothing else to do
We seem to take upon ourselves
More than we can bear
What happened to the Voice who said?
“Cast on Me your care”?

No one likes to go back
But sometimes we forget
That we have lost our focus
As we press on ahead
When we are broken-hearted
Oh, listen to His pleas
Go back to where we started
And get down on your knees

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Heart

Take away the summer rain
Splashing on my window pane
Take the sunshine if you must
Trample it into the dust
Take the blossom from its stem
Strip the whispering willow limb
Pluck the song-bird from the sky
Hush the midnight lullaby
Take the friendly summer breeze
Drape a curtain o’er the seas
Dim the sun-rise, sunset too
Close your pretty eyes of blue
But never let me say again
“Now I lay me down my pen”
For writing is a vital part
Of this very summer heart

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Not writing seemed like a good
idea on a busy Friday morning....
it seemed like a bad idea
twelve hours later!


Like the aching beauty of a tender love song
So is the summer; sweet joy quickly gone
Like a breath, a wisp in the air
Too soon I turn to see the golden pear
And the harvest moon where
The green leaf and blossom briefly hung
Too soon its tender lay is sung
So I must go and taste her bliss
Too soon I’ll long for summer’s kiss
When the apple tree is weighted down
With her fair and rosy gown
When summer’s dance is but a mist
In a field she briefly kissed
I will return again someday
If God will’s but I must play
A little ‘neath the summer tree
Too soon she melts into the sea
God bless you and keep you then
Until perchance we meet again<3

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Janet Martin

See you in September

My Passion

May loving You be my passion today
Stir in my heart to desire Your way
Guard my thoughts and my footsteps too
And fix my wandering gaze on You

Keep my heart and tongue from guile
Strengthen me in every mile
As I see Your love for me
Oh, let this my passion be

In each prayer Lord, that I pray
Will you teach me what to say?
The heart of man is vile indeed
But You, oh God supply each need

Then, if I should suffer loss
Keep my eyes fixed on the Cross
As Your love flows full and free
So let this my passion be

Purify this vessel Lord
Fill it with Your precious word
Be the Source of love in me
Oh, let this my passion be

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Victoria; “our lesson at
Sonshine Club today
Was about loving ourselves as
much as we love our neighbor!!!"

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer's Crown

How rippling the wheat field drawing the eye
Amber oceans ‘neath azure sky
How pure is the gold that streams from high
Summer’s crown must be July

The silent, bashful bud of June
Bursts forth in her most glorious tune
While chestnut trees and willow sigh
Summer’s crown must be July

Cool, dark, dense, the wooded hill
Warm, intense the midnight still
Choir of cricket and firefly
Summer’s crown must be July

We have waited; not in vain
For the warm and pleasant reign
Of turquoise scepter; emerald eye
Summer’s crown must be July

Studded with the purple gem
Of larkspur and delphinium
Sapphire splendor from the sky
God crowns the summer with July

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Janet Martin

The lovely thing about
needing to pick up four kids in
four entirely different directions.....
an opportunity to enjoy
some stunning July scenery!


It’s bitter-sweet, the process
Of realizing truth
The moment of recognizing
The things such as freedom and youth
Are gone; though I may try to reach
With yearning finger-tip
I can only touch their memory
In a tender, trembling grip

In the blue haze softly nestled
On the layered distant hill
I can hear an echo
When the night is warm and still
The echo that reminds me
I will never hold the hands
Of summers far behind me
Lost on times vast golden sands

It’s bitter-sweet, the process
Of coming face to face
With the realization
That there is no time and place
To hold the ones beyond my reach
Though my arms may ache
Time and life steals them from me
For as time gives it takes

But in this realization
There comes a sudden peace
For the Hand that gives and takes
Holds love that will never cease
As I reach to take from Him
Mercy's gift to me
Another moment of His love
Life's only certainty

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

I wrote this poem, took our van
to the mechanic, came home and completely
re-wrote the last verse!

I met a neighbor who is my age
at the mechanic. I have known him all my life.
At little before Christmas they were dealt a powerful blow!!!!
He has cancer. He is under-going very intense treatment,
yet he radiates a calm and peace that can only come
from one Source! A fresh realization washed over me....
there is only one certainty in this life...
God's everlasting, changeless love!
If you read this will you pray for him?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Have You Tried It?

You look at me with pity as you analyze my life
How boring and mundane; simply a mother and housewife
Well, I say you’re entitled to your personal point of view
But before you seal your verdict I would like to ask of you….
Have you tried it?

Have you reassured the little girl with her infectious grin?
‘Yes, the gaps between your teeth will slowly all fill in’
Have hugged the little lad who did a chore for you
Or held them close when they were sad or just a little blue
Have you?

Have you been in the moment when a brilliant butterfly
Lands softly right in front of you out of the clear blue sky
And have you stopped a minute in the middle of a day
To listen to the flowers and just what it is they say
Have you?

Have you heard the heart-beat of the dawn before the sun was up?
And seen the kiss of morning in a golden butter-cup
If you look past the dishes and the laundry on a pile
Can you begin to understand the reason why I smile…
..and ask, have you tried it?

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin


Land of the free as the cannon-balls fly
We gaze in awe; fireworks in the sky
Flashes of glory, we cheer they are gone
Somewhere a mother weeps at a cold grave stone

See the bright colors; oh grand celebration
God bless us all and God bless this nation
While across the sea some other cannon flies
While we gasp with glee another soldier dies

God bless the True north strong and free
God bless America and liberty
Help us remember, with each cannon that flies
While we enjoy freedom, somebody dies

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

You Teach Me...

You teach me how to roll with the punches
On life’s ever-changing sea
When I think that I cannot do it
You are right there to teach me
As life’s highway dips into the valley
And suddenly the sun disappears
You are still there in the darkness
To whisper to me through my fears

You teach me to say ‘not my will, Lord’
When it is so hard to do
As I realize my great weakness
All I can do is trust You
For faith is the substance we hope for
Something naked eye cannot see
Yet it is not blind; but with purpose
Lord, You are teaching me

You tell me I can fly like an eagle
If I simply trust Your will
Lord, how You love Your people
There are no words to tell
The infinite streams of compassion
Beyond the depths of the sea
Lord, clear my earth-dimmed vision
To see what You’re teaching me

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

But they that wait upon the Lord
shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
and they shall walk and not faint.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Prelude to Eternity

This life is a blend of shadows and seasons
We don’t understand its rhyme or its reasons
But it is the vapor, simply a breath
Prelude to eternal Life or Death

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Janet Martin

Today, if you will hear His voice,
harden not your hearts....' Heb.3: 7-8

Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Song

If the sky-line is brushed with baby blue
If the landscape is flushed with a floral hue
If the breezes are hushed and the rippling brook too
It must be summer

If the dawn is a whisper of coral and gold
And the lawn brims with laughter and the children I hold
If I’m drawn to the meadow like a sheep to the fold
It must be summer

Hold back the painter that waits in the wings
With scarlet and amber as the autumn wind sings
Hold back the minutes, hold back everything
It is summer

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Somewhere on rugged mountain tops
Or in a wind-swept grave
On lost, forgotten battlefields
Or ‘neath the cold, dark wave
In dungeons far beneath the earth
In ashes, void, forsaken
Somewhere our bodies turn to dust
But our souls with God shall waken
There we will meet the deeds we've done
Be forever lost or free
For if we've been washed in the blood of the Son
Oh what glorious immortality

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

And I saw the dead, small and great
stand before God;
and the books were opened: and another
book was opened which is the book of life:
and the dead were judged out
of those things which were written in the
books, according to their works.
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it
and death and hell delivered up the dead which were
in them: and they were judged, every man according
to their works. And death and hell were
cast into the lake of fire.
This is the second death.
And whosoever was not found written
in the book of life was cast
into the lake of fire. Rev.20:12-15