Friday, December 10, 2010


Once an angel came to Mary
Speaking of great mysteries
Once, she trusted in God humbly
Saying, be it unto me
Once angels came to the shepherds
Telling of a wondrous birth
Once they heard, and thus came quickly
To the God of heaven and earth

Once, just once…they beheld His love
But oh, praise to Jesus
Once is enough

Once a cross was slowly lifted
In Golgotha, place of the skull
Once, the Son of man was on it
For the blood of animal
Would never be enough to conquer
Death; it could be only One
And His blood-drops sealed our pardon
As He cried once, ‘it is done!’

Once, just once He poured out this love
But oh, praise Jesus
Once is enough

Once, a Voice of deep conviction
Revealed to me my hopeless state
As I beheld my sad condition
How I trembled at my fate
Once, though it was just a whisper
Jesus heard my humble plea
As I cried, oh God forgive me
I believe you died for Me

Once I tasted saving love
But oh, praise Jesus
Once is enough
To be saved in One


We think a lot about gifts this time of year, don't we?

but the gift is not like the trespass.
For if many died by the trespass of one man
how much more did God's grace and the gift
that came by the grace of the one man
Jesus Christ, over flow to many!! Rom.5:15

Read Romans 5 and 6....

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