Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Come and Listen.......

Come and listen while I tell you
What the Lord has done for me
Oh I know that it may thrill you
He has done the same for thee
Tiny Baby in a manger
He who holds each star in place
Came to earth, a humble Stranger
Just to save us by His grace

Come and listen while I tell you
Oh, I cannot keep it in
For the God of earth and Heaven
Saw us, lost in wretched sin
He did not withhold an offering
Though He knew who it would be
He came down, a babe in Bethlehem
He came down to set us free

Come and listen while I tell you
There is hope for everyone
At His feet there is redemption
In the blood of Heaven’s Son
See Him there in all His glory
Perfect Lamb upon the Tree
But this is not the finished story
He arose in victory

Come and listen while I tell you
Why at Bethlehem I weep
God so loved each poor lost sinner
With a love He would not keep
So He gave to us His Jesus
Greatest gift that He could give
As ages roll, His love still frees us
Jesus came so we could live



Come and listen,
All you who fear God; and let me tell you
What the Lord has done for me….Ps.66:16

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