Saturday, December 25, 2010

Observation of a Bethlehem Teen.......

Man, you are not gonna believe what I saw last night!
It was the coolest and strangest sight……….
I was just kinda hangin’ out, you know?
When I noticed an unusual kind of…..glow!!!!
It came from the sky just above the stable
Behind the inn owned by my cousin Jabel
I stood there and watched as the glow became brighter
So I decided to go and see if the barn was on fire!!!
Man! I was telling the guys what I saw this morning
And they said that I was ‘possessed’ or something
But I give you my word; I was sharp as a shrink
I hadn’t consumed even one tiny drink!!!
So I took off a-running as fast as I dared
I thought someone might stop me, but nobody cared
There were so many people in town you see
Since Caesar Augustus passed a degree
That we all pay taxes; so the crowds were insane
There were no vacancies anywhere, in any inn
So, I got to the stable and hid out of sight
Well, tried to; that star was incredibly bright
It bathed the roofs and the street below
In what felt like a sacred kind of glow
I stood on my toes and peered over the wall
At first all I saw was a cattle stall
Some cows and oxen, a few sheep maybe
Then, suddenly I heard the cry of a baby!!!!
Wow, my heart began beating, like…… wild!!!
The LAST thing I expected was a new-born child
I didn’t recognize the huddle of strangers
But WHOA, there was the baby, lying in the manger!!!!
Beside Him his mother gazed tenderly
Why, she looked like she was younger than me!
And his dad looked like a regular guy…….
But kneeling at the foot of the manger, oh my!!!
I think they were shepherds, rough-shod and crude
Big red noses, one real ugly dude
But they were gazing in awe at this the little guy
Man, it was beautiful, I wanted to cry
And I just could not believe what I was seeing
It was surreal, like another Being
Was standing there, hidden among the sheep
It almost seemed normal to see those rough dudes weep!
I wish someone believed me, sometimes it seems
Like the left-overs of one of those almost real dreams
Yet, totally different, I know what I saw
My heart still races, I tremble in awe
How can I explain what I don’t understand
Something totally awesome, unbelievably GRAND!!!!
I wonder where he is, will I ever see Him
I never dreamed this could happen in Bethlehem……….

Janet Martin~

...and they came with haste and found
Mary and Joseph and the Babe,
lying in a manger....Luke 2:16

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