In the soft eve’s gentle cradle
Lies the murmur of my day
Over head in silent vigil
Beams a star in white array
It is there through all the sunshine
In the darkened shadow too
But I don’t see it until evening
When the toil of day is through
In the soft eve’s gentle cradle
I will place my cares someday
There is One whose loving vigil
Waits to help me ‘cross the way
He is there though I can’t see Him
Someday He will call for me
As He draws me o’er the river
To heaven’s eternity
Come unto Me, all you who are weary
and heavy-laden and I will give you rest. Matt. 11:28
Blessed are those who wash their robes,
That they may have the right to
The Tree of Life and may go through the gates
Into the city. Rev.22:14
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