Like that time you stubbed your toe
Or missed the wood when you swung the axe
And you groaned and moaned ‘cause it really hurt
But life is just like that
Remember that face plant into the dirt
When you slid into second base
Those first few moments; how they stung and hurt
As you wiped unbidden tears from your face
But life is just like that
Remember the satisfaction and pride
The elation and joy of success
How the excitement bubbled from deep inside
In a well-spring of happiness
Remember the pleasure of saying thank-you
For the compliments and praise
As a sense of deliverance rolled over you
In a sweet, satisfying haze
But that was yesterday, before the dismay
Of chapters two and three
As you realize the fleeting prize
Of momentary security
Momentary pleasure, momentary pain
Earthly treasure is stored in vain
Momentary victory, momentary defeat
Momentary shadows or sunny retreat
But life is just like that
A sequence of momentary things
Lest we forget, we will never be kings
So we dare not scoff at the one in the dirt
Or brush off another’s misfortune or hurt
We all are simply fellow-men
Part of a much, much greater plan
Than this life of momentary mystery
Tomorrow today will be history
All of its moments, but steppingstones in a sea
Leading to the brink of eternity
All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin
I posted this poem on my
anotherporch blog and as I posted it
So many parts of Proverbs and Eccles. came to my mind….
Instruction and analysis of these moments……
This thing called Life …………
I decided to post it here with a few verses
Following this heading in my bible
….the conclusion of the matter……
(after writing Proverbs and Ecclesiastes)
Not only was the Teacher wise, but
He also imparted knowledge to the people.
He pondered and searched out and set in order
many proverbs. The Teacher searched to find
just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true.
The words of the wise are like goads,
Their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails……given by one Shepherd.
Be warned my son, of anything in addition to them.
Of making many books there is no end
And much study wearies the body.
Now all has been heard;
Here is the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God, keep His commandments
For this is the whole duty of man.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
Including every hidden things,
Whether it is good or evil.
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