He is the Lover of my soul
In life and death He’s in control
His love and mercy has no end
He is an everlasting Friend
He is my strong-hold; He helps me stand
He is my Rock; He is my right hand
He is my Shield, my Fortress, Stay
More precious than gold, unfailing always
Do you know him? He who will bless
The seekers of His righteousness
He is my Shepherd; I am His sheep
He is my Comforter when I weep
He is the Vine; He is Salvation
The Beginning, the End, the God of Creation
From everlasting to everlasting
The Living Bread within my fasting
He is the Way, the Truth, the Life
He is Hope within my strife
He is a Father, kind and tender
Do you know Him?
My soul’s defender
He is my Deliverer; He is my King
He is my boasting; He is my Wing
He is my Refuge, my Strength, my Song
My help in trouble, my Corner-stone
He is Holy, He is Judge
And His decree will never budge
He is the Lion and the Lamb
Alpha, Omega, the great I AM
He is Thunder, He is a dove
Do you know this God of Love?
He is my Defense, He is my Light
He is Day within my night
He is my Healer; He is Grace
He is the Reaper we all will face
He is Humility, Glory and Power
He is undefeated in His darkest hour
Conqueror, Victor, He is Head
Of both the living and the dead
He is the bright and Morning Star
Do you know Him? This dear Savior
Do you know the One who died?
The One with pierc-ed hands and side
Do you know the One who bore
The whole world’s sins whilst He wore
Upon His brow a thorny crown
As crimson love and tears flowed down?
Do you know the One who cried
“It is finished” as He died
To set the captive sinner free
And give us life abundantly?
Do you know Him? This Holy One
Jesus Christ, God’s precious Son
Do you know this Friend of sinners
Who transforms losers into winners?
Do you know this God of love?
He’s down below, He’s up above
He holds the world within His hand
Do you know His love so grand?
Do you know Him in all you do?
I dearly hope so, for He knows you
All Rights Reserved
-Janet Martin-
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and
The end, the First and the Last……..Rev.22;13
I am the root and off-spring of David,
and the bright and morning star. Rev 22:16
Surely I come quickly…..Rev.22:20 KJV
And this poem scarcely BEGINS to remind us of all the
HE IS!!!!!!
I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks
Thank-you, anonymous:)
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