He could have had a mansion
The best this world could give
The King of all creation
Could choose where He would live
The Hand that formed the mountain
And urged the rushing stream
Decked the blue pavilion
And gave the star its gleam
He could have had a palace
The mighty King of kings
He clothed the hills and valleys
And taught the birds to sing
He could have had a castle
The best earth could afford
Still would have been too humble
To house the lord of lords
He could have chosen Heaven
And never left His throne
For there can be no mansion
Worthy of God’s own
He could have lived above us
In heavenly majesty
But heaven's most Beloved
Has chosen you and me
He chose a lowly temple
A temple made of dust
And here He makes his dwelling
This God in whom we trust
He could have had a mansion
The best that there could be
I cannot understand it
But He chose you and me
Praise God, He loves us so much
That He chose you and me!
All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin
Do you not know that your body
Is the temple of the Holy Spirit
Who is in you, who you have received from God?
You are not your own;
You were bought with a price.
Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Cor. 6:19-20
Tonight while I was running, the song
Les Cloches Du Hameau- by Celine Dion
came on. The melody was breath-taking
and since I didn't understand the words
a new set of words formed in my mind.
This is what inspired this poem.
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