Monday, August 9, 2010


Who adorns celestial vaults?
With silver-studded showers
Who decks the carpet of the hills?
With myriad of flowers
Who forms the babe within the womb?
Who fills the deep blue sea?
Who rose in triumph from the tomb?
To save a wretch like me

Who breathes life to every soul?
Who takes it away?
Who can the wind and waves control?
That even they obey
Who whispers in the silent dawn?
Or in the rolling thunder
Who can take a heart of stone?
And fill it with His wonder

Who holds us in His gracious hand?
With endless loving kindness
Who asks us not to understand?
But trust in spite of blindness
Who will help us to believe?
When unbelief entices
Or should the friend of lies deceive
Who guards us from his vices?

Who cares for His little ones?
Like fathers for their children
Who calls us his cherished sons?
And heirs to his great Kingdom
Who creates grand beauty rare?
That man destroys with pleasure
Then reaches down with tender care
And loves us without measure

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

How great is the love the
Father has lavished on us;
That we should be called the
Children of God.
And that is what we are!
The reason the world does not know us
Is that it did not know Him. 1 John 3:1

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