Monday, July 27, 2009

Where Once I had Been

There’s hunger in my fingertips
Unsung praises on my lips
An aching void that simply can't be filled
Desire that's unsatisfied
Although God knows I've vainly tried
He is waiting til my heart is stilled

CHO. So I come to You Jesus
Cause You’ve given me
A sweet thing that pleases
The hunger in me
I come to You Jesus
To worship and pray
As my heart releases
The hurt and the fray

In the shadow of Your Wing
There is calmness as I bring
My broken dreams and promises to You
You whisper softly in my ear
Once again my way is clear
My vision fixed unwaveringly on You

CHO. I come to You, Jesus
Casting on you
All sin that displeases
Your holy view
Wash it away Lord
Oh, make me clean
So I won't return to
Where once I had been

Take away the filth and mire
Purify my each desire
Lift me to Your sanctified plateau
There is nothing hid before You
As I thankfully adore You
And turn from where I do not want to go

CHO. So I come to You Jesus
Now my heart is still
Your Awesomeness sees us
In valley or hill
I come to You Jesus
Lay my head on Your chest
As my Calm increases
In Your holy rest

CHO.#2 Yes, I come to You, Jesus
Oh, make me clean
So I won't return to
Where once I had been

By Janet Martin
July 26 2009
All Rights Reserved

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Matt.11:28

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