Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Have You Seen His Glory?

As He fell upon the ground and cried ‘Oh Father,
All things are possible with Thee
If it were possible, oh Father
Would You let this cup then pass from Me?
Nevertheless, not My will, oh Daddy
But as Thou wilt, oh Father, let it be
As He prayed and cried and wept in agony
Weeping blood-drops there for you and me
Oh tell me, have you seen His glory?

As He was stripped and mocked and scourged and beaten
Spat upon, He watched them bow in scorn
As the courts of men tried God’s holy perfection
And crowned Him with a diadem of thorns
Silently He bore false accusation
Humbly, He answered not a single word
He saw them in their pitiful condition
As they cried ‘Crucify Him’ to the Son of God
Oh tell me, have you seen His glory?

Above the sound of violent hatred screaming
Above the blows of steel ringing on steel
Above the angry thousands surging, teaming
Against the Hands that love, comfort and heal
Comes the sound of a Savior pleading
‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do’
From His gentle hands mercy is bleeding
For the ones who hold the nails and pierce Him through
Oh, tell me, have you seen His glory?

His voice calls out above the groaning sorrow
To where loved ones weep in disbelief
As He beholds them in this hour of horror
He speaks a word of comfort to their grief
And then the Greatest words in all of history
Ring across the rock-strewn field and hill
‘It is finished’ Redemption, hope and victory
Immortal in the yielding of His will
Oh tell me, have you seen His glory?


Matthew 26:39 (New International Version, ©2011)
39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed,“My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
This verse struck me profoundly the other night.
The imagery of the perfect Son of God
Falling with His face to the ground
Pleading to His Father….for us!!!!

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