I can tell him anything
And he won’t laugh at me
I can pour my heart to Him
He listens patiently
And I don’t need to re-explain
When things don’t come out right
He knows exactly what I mean
And holds me close and tight
That’s the great thing about Jesus…….
Jesus does not pick and choose
To Him we’re all the same
There is no one He will refuse
If we call on His name
There is no status to achieve
He only asks one thing…..
If we truly do believe
We must be born again
That’s the great thing about Jesus……
Whosoever will may come
The door stands open wide
Beckoning to nations from
Each country and each tribe
He loves each one the very best
Regardless of our race
He fills us with His righteousness
And sweet amazing grace
That’s the great thing about Jesus………..
He calls us His very own
And never leaves our side
And if perhaps we stumble on
Our foolish sin and pride
He forgives us patiently
And helps us to our feet
And never leaves us angrily
On some forgotten street
That’s the great thing about Jesus…………..
His precious love will never fail
Though oft we fail for Him
Through life’s tempest and stormy gale
His love will never dim
He holds us fast within His arms
And never lets us go
Stands beside us through the storm
For he loves us so……………
That’s the great thing about Jesus…………..
And when at last my final hour
On this sad earth has come
I need only trust His power
To gently lead me home
Out across death’s deep dark sea
I see a father come
To draw me to Him tenderly
As He cries, welcome home
That’s the great thing about Jesus…………….
All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin
….whoever comes to me
I will never drive away. John 6:37
As I began writing this I realized it’s a poem that could go on forever!
I was going to quit after the first three verses
But the thoughts kept coming
Eventually I quit writing because there is NO END
To His goodness!!!!!
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