Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Word of God......

Man’s words are merely scripts of flesh
Spoken, like the wind
Blowing ‘cross our temporal path
We speak them, blind to blind
Yet in the end our greatest boasts
Are powerless indeed
We cannot change one tick of time
Or crack the planted seed

And though the knowledge of the best
May fill the empty page
Soon its merit will be dust
A flash upon earth’s stage
In crypts of all the by-gone ‘greats’
Their words of wisdom lie
Forgotten soon, their true test waits
In chambers in the sky

But there is a spoken Word
That never fades away
Sharper than a two-edged sword
It tests each word we say
It sees beyond the flapping tongue
Discerning deepest thought
Written for the old and young
By these words man is taught

His Word is holy, sound and just
Powerful and true
Written for these minds of dust
Ancient, yet ever new
His Word is comfort, strength and cheer
Wisdom, judgment, hope
His Word is light unto our feet
As in darkness we grope

From timeless ports His Word remains
A Beacon ‘cross the wave
Breaking hopeless sinner’s chains
His Word has power to save
For all the words that man may pen
There is none to replace
The Word of God, given to men
So we may see His face


For the Word of God is quick, powerful
And sharper than any two-edged sword,
Piercing, even to the dividing asunder
Of soul and spirit,
And of the joints and marrow,
And a discerner of the thoughts
And intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12

Heaven and earth shall pass away
But My words shall not pass away. Matt 24:35

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