Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our understanding at best, O God
Is inadequate and trite
On our own each breath a fraud
And every moment, night

Our perception without Your Spirit
Is blinded ignorance
And Death, O death, how I would fear it
But for deliverance

Your mercy, hope and love fulfills
Your changeless eye of grace
The tempter wears ten-thousand ills
Deceiving human race

Our understanding will ever be
Only what God imbues
Therefore but by His grace go we
On earth-bound avenues

Beyond these briefest stance of Time
Our eyes will see anew
As we behold Love, pure, sublime
Oh God, as we see you

© Janet Martin

Behold the Lamb of God
which takes away the sins of the world. John 1:29

"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose" -- Jim Elliot

1 comment:

Ron Tranmer said...

Beautifully written.

Ron Tranmer