Showing posts with label wishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wishes. Show all posts

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thank-you, God

I could fret and I could pine
For the things that are not mine
I know there’s a bright array
Of wishes I could wish today
But I will try to do my part
To have a truly thankful heart

God, You’ve been so good to me
Open up my eyes to see
Not the things I cannot grasp
But the gifts within my clasp
Before my eyes you have unfurled
All the wonders of the world

I could dream and I could sigh
But like clouds up in the sky
Wishes simply drift away
You bestow the gifts that stay
Wondrous mercy, perfect love
Streaming from Your throne above

All Rights Reserved
Janet Martin

O, praise the Lord, all ye nations;
praise Him all ye people.
For His merciful kindness is great toward us:
and the truth of the Lord endures forever.
Praise ye the Lord! Ps. 117

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Let It Rain

Drooping flowers raise their heads
Waters fill parched river-beds
Dusty fields are green again
And I’m learning how
To dance in the rain

Clouds are groaning over-head
As they release the tears they shed
Take heart, their weeping’s not in vain
As I’m learning how
To dance in the rain

Toss your umbrella, lift up your face
Drink in the nectar of heaven’s embrace
Yes, pain still hurts and wishes remain
But I’m learning how
To dance in the rain

Tilt your head, look to the skies
Look deep into God’s tender eyes
You’re not alone, He holds your hand
And He’ll teach us how
To dance in the rain

All Rights Reserved
-Janet Martin-

Seems like God designed us to learn
more in the ‘rainy seasons’
than in the sunshine……thus producing growth!

He will be like rain falling on the mown field,
Like showers watering the earth…..Ps.72:6

Sunday, October 4, 2009

God's Grace

If wishes were diamonds
We all would be kings
We’d dance in the gardens
Of eternal spring
We could bask in the shadows
Where living is cool
If wishes were diamonds
Then beggars could rule

But life is a journey
Of twists and turns
Its shadows are lonely
Its fires burn
Often its cold wind
Howls in our face
And we’d be defeated
If not for God’s grace

God’s grace is priceless
It’s genuine
Better than diamonds
This treasure is mine
Wishes are wasteful
Begging brings woe
But God’s grace is faithful
Wherever I go

All Rights Reserved

My grace is sufficient for you. 2 Cor.12:9

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Do We Pray?

Mothers, dear Mothers on life’s busy way
As we’re caring for others, how oft do we pray?
Do we pray with thanksgiving as we toil at our duties?
Glad to be living as we drink in life’s beauties

Or do we simply see ‘dishes’ in life’s soapy bubbles?
Though we have fed wishes and vanquished wee troubles
As the last ‘dish’ is dried, do we see our wealth?
And thank our Lord for the blessing of health

As we kiss our wee babies on their tender cheek
Do we pray for their dreams and the words they will speak?
Do we pray as we’re washing their tiny hands
That God will guide as they heed His commands

Do we pray as we calm and turn strife into song?
That the will of our child is neither too weak nor strong
As we tidy the tumbles of life’s busy day
Do we do it midst grumbles, or moms, do we pray?

Pray for their dreams as so quickly they’re growing
As the restlessness gleams in their bright eyes glowing
Then as we hug them as they go away
We’ll kindly release them for we know we can pray

All Rights Reserved Aug.2009
Janet Martin

If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,
How much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts
to those who ask Him? Matt.7:11